Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Most Popular Acid Reflux Natural Cures

Resume from articles by Muna wa Wanjiru

More than the expensive medicines with their side effects, natural cures for the acid reflux are most popular. Alternatively more cures are available to overcome the reflux. Other remedies like antacids, reflux pillows and surgeries have been launched, but natural cure has it own importance.

This acid reflux is caused when there are imbalances in the natural acid in the stomach. There are ample of natural cures available to get back the level of the stomach acid. Natural Cures:

Cinnamon: The famous spice used in various recipes, Cinnamon is one of the oldest cures against fever and cold problems. Flower/oil therapies: Relaxing flower and oil remedies have also proved to be effective.

Garlic: Fresh garlic cloves should be consumed to improve the digestion.

Amla: Well known as the best anti oxidant it can be eaten as a natural cure against acid reflux. Vegetables/ vegetable juices: Fresh green leafy vegetables can be included in the diet.

Important note: The juice should be consumed fresh.

Apple or apple cider vinegar: Apple is the best cure for any disease. However due to it high acid levels it should be consumed in small quantity.

Acid reflux can thus be cured under doctor's guidance and brought under control without spending huge medical bills. Acid Reflux Natural Cures can work wonders.

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