Acid reflux is simply acid from your stomach entering parts of your esophagus. When this happens it causes a burning sensation often known as heartburn. In some extreme cases it can interrupt sleep or become unbearable for the patient.
Once of the best ways to stop heartburn is to prevent it from starting. Here are some tips to help you find relief.
- One of the most common causes of heartburn is smoking. Nicotine causes your stomach to release extra acid. When you light up after a meal, your stomach releases more acid than is needed to digest your food, and heartburn results. If you needed another reason to quit, this is one.
- Alcohol and caffeine both irritate the stomach causing it to be more sensitive to the acid that is produced. Limiting both of these will stop heartburn before it has the chance to cause further damage to your digestive system.
- Limit high fat, greasy foods. When you eat fatty foods, your stomach has to produce more acid to digest them, and increases the chance of triggering heartburn. Eating more fiber, more fruits and vegetables, and high quality protein allows your digestive system to work more efficiently, and produce less acid.
- Eat highly spiced and highly acidic foods sparingly. Strong spices can irritate the lining of your stomach, making it more sensitive to the effects of stomach acid. Acidic foods, like citrus fruits, and tomato sauces add to the acid already in your digestive system, promoting an episode of heartburn.
- Eat smaller portions. Over filling your stomach can create pressure, causing the stomach acid to back up into your esophagus. This creates acid reflux, which causes damage to the lining of the esophagus. If not treated, more complications can arise. A large meal takes a longer time to digest, so the acid stays in your stomach longer. This promotes heartburn.
- Stop eating at least three hours before bedtime. Laying flat after eating allows stomach acid to escape into the esophagus. This is one of the most common causes of nighttime heartburn.
- Keep a food diary to determine what your trigger foods are. Everyone is different, and you might find that by simply eliminating one or two foods, you are able to completely stop heartburn.
“Heartburn Stop” will require you to make some changes in your diet and lifestyle, and this can be difficult. When you start to make these improvements, you will feel the benefits immediately, and you will enjoy the long-term benefits of these changes for years to come.