Acid reflux is a commonly seen disorder that refers to the backward flow of acid from the stomach up into the esophagus. Acid reflux symptoms affect over fifteen million Americans.
There are several acid reflux symptoms that often severe enough to decrease the quality of life for those who suffer from the disease.
Heartburn: The burning sensation in the chest is commonly referred to as heartburn. It is one of the major symptoms of this condition. Ironically, heartburn has absolutely nothing to do with heart.
Other Symptoms include: Pain in the abdomen, Nausea, Acid taste in the mouth which at times can lead to vomiting too, Sleeplessness due to the discomfort and pain, Difficulty in swallowing etc.
Some people also experience symptoms like asthma like coughing or wheezing, sore throat, bad breath and in some cases heart attack like pain in the chest.
Often the above symptoms can be often mistaken for something mild and are ignored which over a period of time ends up complicating the condition more and in some extreme cases, surgery is the only option available.
To avoid such a situation, not only is the correct identification of the symptoms necessary but also the correct treatment too.
Upset stomach is yet another common symptom. Soar throat followed by husk voice are also its symptoms. Severe chest pain, minor heart attacks, vomiting, narrowing of the esophagus, shortness of breath and pre-malignant condition of the esophagus are some of the major symptoms.
Gastro esophageal reflux disease mainly occurs due to weakening of sphincter muscles as a result the stomach acid flow backward into the esophagus. Some of the major things to avoid acid reflux symptoms are stop smoking, reduce over weight, avoid tight clothing, elevating the head of the bed, and avoid eating two to three hours before going to sleep. We can also reduce acid reflux symptoms by less consumption of chocolate, coffee, peppermint, spicy foods, tomato products, and alcoholic beverages.
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