Sunday, December 14, 2008

Top ൫ foods with hidden fat

We all know that chocolates, cakes and cookies are loaded with kilojoules. But what about your other favourite foods? Could hidden fats be lurking in them too?

If you're trying to get your body in shape for the beach, it might be a good idea to take a peek at this list of the top 10 foods with hidden fat – and cut down on them:

1. Mayonnaise Tip: Replace mayonnaise with low-fat dressing or a drop of soya sauce on salads, and rather use low-fat/fat-free yoghurt or cottage cheese in sauces. Simply don't add mayonnaise to that chicken or tuna sandwich – make the sandwich more interesting by adding herbs, black pepper and a slice of tomato.

2. Nuts Tip: Note that nuts should form part of a balanced diet – even though the fat content is quite high, nuts are cholesterol-free and contain good essential fatty acids. But limit your intake of nuts to a handful per week if you're trying to lose weight. And choose lower-fat varieties, like cashews and peanuts, instead of macadamias.

3. Coffee creamer Tip: Coffee creamer is a definite no-no as it's loaded with saturated fat. Simply don't add coffee creamer to your coffee. Rather use low-fat or fat-free milk, or, if you don't have a fridge, settle for milk powder.

4. Peanut butter Tip: Look for the sugar-free variety in your grocery store – while sugar-free peanut butter contains just as much fat, the kilojoules are fewer. Limit your intake of peanut butter to four teaspoons per week.

5. Potato crisps Tip: When you go shopping for snacks, read nutrition labels carefully – the kilojoule and fat values vary considerably from product to product. Good old-fashioned popcorn (not the pre-popped varieties) is a healthier option than most forms of crisps – just don't add butter when you pop it. Pretzels also generally contain less fat than potato crisps (but check the label before you buy).

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