Other symptoms can include a persistent sore throat, hoarseness, a chronic cough, or a feeling of a lump in the throat. If untreated, GERD can actually change the mucosal cells lining the esophagus. The result can be a chronic condition called Barret's Esophagus. If you any doubt as to the nature of your symptoms, visit your doctor immediately.
Stop gerd permanently with gerd natural remedies
In 90% of cases, curing gastroesophageal reflux can be done with a simple GERD remedy. Imagine never having to purchase antacids to treat your acid reflux again. Imagine naturally healing GERD and never having to worry about GERD again.
Natural Remedies have been around for thousands of years! And just recently, some natural remedies have begun to get tested and researched to test their legitimacy. Some natural remedies were worthless and some were effective? In fact, some simple natural remedies are just as effective as their pharmaceutical counterpart. In the case of GERD, acid reflux remedies which work to heal the esophagus and sphincter have been shown to be the most effective.
Natural Remedies For GERD - Try These Natural, Drug-Free Methods to Stop Your GERD
Natural remedies for GERD have the advantage over drugs of no side effects. Here are below gerd natural remedy and the best ways for acid reflux relief.
- Chew Gum
Saliva is a natural antacid. If you suffer from GERD then it is a good idea to chew some gum after a meal to stimulate more saliva and reduce heartburn symptoms.
- Raise The Head Of The Bed
Raise the head of your bed by 6 inches.
- Aloe Vera Juice
A little aloe vera juice before a meal can prevent heartburn symptoms. Burnt Toast
- Papaya
Eating the fruit raw or simply the juice can really help with heartburn symptoms.
- Losing Weight
Important Suggestion for GERD natural remedy – Diet for gerd guide
- If you know that eating a certain food product will give you heartburn or increase the GERD symptoms, do not eat it. If your favourite food is cheese flavoured potato chips and they make the symptoms of GERD more painful.
- If you are already feeling the symptoms of GERD a natural cure for GERD that you can call upon is chamomile. Finding a natural cure for GERD and the symptoms it brings does not need to be a difficult process and as long as you are willing to make a few small changes you can ensure that the symptoms are reduced and the pain lessened.
- Avoid Crunchy Foods- Crunchy foods contribute to your acid reflux because they scratch the esophagus (tube that transports food to stomach) and sphincter (muscle flap that keeps stomach acid in the stomach). By eating these foods, you literally cause more flare-ups.
chewing gum is very good for patient with GERD, not only because of the increasing ammount of saliva, but it trigger peristaltic along GIT, so it will decrease the risk of reflux.