Sunday, March 15, 2009

Severe ACID GERD Symptoms - Identify Extreme Heartburn Symptoms

Up to 40% of Americans suffer from ACID GERD. ACID GERD, short for gastroesophageal reflux disease, is a condition of serious and prolonged heartburn. In the worst cases, severe ACID GERD symptoms will result. What are severe ACID GERD symptoms? These can be classified as the worst and most painful of acid reflux symptoms. Here, I will outline what these are so you can identify them. Anyone with severe ACID GERD symptoms should see a doctor soon, or even seek a second opinion if they are not responding to the current regime of medication.

Severe Heartburn -- this is the most obvious of severe ACID GERD symptoms and unique to ACID GERD (although, as the name implies, it can sometimes be confused with symptoms of a heart attack which are actually very different). Severe heartburn is felt as an intense burning sensation that travels from the stomach to the throat where it usually diminishes after a few seconds.

Regurgitation -- many ACID GERD sufferers never experience regurgitation which is seen in more severe cases. We know that ACID GERD results because the lower sphincter allows the escape of acid. When the upper sphincter also fails in its function, severe ACID GERD symptoms such as this can result.

ACID GERD Complications - Inflammation Lung, Throat and Larynx

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is not generally a socially acceptable subject understanding the complications of ACID GERD is something that every person that has ever had the condition should do, here are a few of the complications of acidreflux, or ACID GERD.

Throat and Larynx Inflammation

throat and voice box, lie. This complication is relatively uncomplicated overall, but can cause pain and discomfort in the form of a sore throat or horse voice. disagree if they are in a field that requires a decent amount of public speaking or sales talk. of success to the individual with the problem.

Lung Infection and Inflammation

Many have felt the complication of liquid entering the lungs, commonly referred to as aspiration. If you have aspiration it does not necessarily mean that you are suffering from ACID GERD, but if you have ACID GERD it is probable that you suffer from aspiration. Aspiration pneumonia can doctor. If it is not aspiration pneumonia then it could result in an eventual scarring of the throat, or fibrosis, that damages the lungs. Aspiration generally occurs at night when acid reflux is at its worst without the assistance of gravity.

reading to determine what the complication of your ACID GERD could be. If you have not seen one of the complications of acid reflux that you believe should be complications are as a result of acid reflux or something else altogether. embarrassing and sometimes disgusting condition to discuss.

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